How to Get to UBC Sauder by Transit
Take any bus that states UBC as its destination (in Vancouver, for instance, routes 4, 9, 17, 25, 33, 41, 43, 44, 49, 84, and 99).
Once the bus arrives at the UBC bus loop, walk East on Wesbrook Mall, turn right on University Boulevard, and go past West Mall and the Bookstore until you get to Main Mall. The entrance to the UBC Sauder School of Business/Henry Angus Building is on the far corner, at 2053 Main Mall.
How to Get to UBC Sauder by Car
Drive westbound along either W 4th Avenue, 10th Avenue, W 16th Avenue, or W 41st Avenue into Southwest Marine Drive.
To park in the most convenient parkade, turn onto University Boulevard at UBC Gate 6, turn right onto Lower Mall and park in the West Parkade (visit, or call +1 (604) 822-6786 for information about rates and other parking locations).
Walk up to West Mall, turn left, continue for ½ of a block, and then turn right onto University Boulevard. Proceed along University Boulevard until you reach Main Mall and then enter the Sauder School of Business/Henry Angus Building at 2053 Main Mall.